Sunday 19 October 2014

55 Ways to Score Points With a Woman

I'm normally not the lovey dovey writer but I could be sometimes, lol. So, this write up is light n educating..... I bet we will have fun, Enjoy. 

Certainly the journey of creating a loving relationship can be rocky at times. We all have our love and hate moments for Bae. Problems are inevitable, but there are a couple of ways to score points with women. 

Remember small or big things each score points with the female folks, though the men forget about doing the small things for us and just focus on doing the big things thinking it will score them big points and wen she is not Happy or they start to have problems he wonders why. Oh well, your answer is here, you can thank me later. Lol 

This might not be the almighty solution but here are 55 ways to score points with a woman.... 
1. Ask her specific questions about her day that indicates an awareness of what she was planning to do. (It shows us u are attentive n sensitive) 
2. Upon returning home find her first before doing anything else and give her a hug (For those married or living with there partners.)
3. Practice listening and asking questions 
4. Resist the temptation to solve her problems-empathize instead. (Is not every time finding solution o. Hian)
5. Give her 20mins of unsolicited, quality attention(don't read the newspaper or be distracted by anything else during this time)
6. Bring her flowers as a surprise as well as on special occasions. (I know my 9ja men think we don't appreciate it but sm of us do, u can replace flowers wit a gift u know she likes tho)
7. Plan a date several days in advance, rather than waiting for Friday night and asking what she wants to do. 
8. Offer to make her dinner if she seems tired or really busy or just do it as a romantic gesture. 
9. Compliment her on how she looks. 
10. Validate her feelings when she is upset. 
11.offer to help her when she is tired
12. Schedule extra time when travelling so that she doesn't have to rush.
13. When you are going to be late, call her and let her know and when you want to cancel call and apologize.
14. When she asks for support, say yes or no without making her wrong for asking. 
15. Whenever her feelings have been hurt, give her some empathy and tell her " I'm sorry you feel hurt". Then be silent; let her feel ur understanding of her hurt. Don't offer solutions or explanations why her hurt is not your fault. 
16. Whenever you need to pull away, let her know you will be back or that you need some time to think about things. 
17. When you've cooled off and you come back, talk about what was bothering you in a respectful, non blaming way, so she doesn't imagine the worst.
18. When she talks to you, put down the magazine or reduce the volume of the TV and give her your full attention. 
19. Offer to help her do the dishes sometimes especially when she's tired.
20. Notice when she's tired or upset and ask her what she has to do. Then offer to help her by doing a few of her "to do" items.
21. When going out, ask if there's anything else  she wants you to pick up at the store, and remember to pick it up.
22. Give her four hugs a day...4 o
23. Be a good listener when she speaks 
24. Call her from work to ask how she is or to share something exciting or to tell her "I love you" 
25. When you are out and u hear her favourite song, call her and tell her that u just heard this song n it reminded u of her or place your phone where she can hear the song herself. 
26. Tell her "I love you" atleast a couple of times everyday.
27. Make the bed and clean up the bedroom.
28. If she does ur laundry you can turn the clothes inside out, so she doesn't have to wen it's time. 
29. Notice when the trash is full and offer to empty it.
30. When you travel, call to let her know that you arrived safely. 
31. Wash her car
32. Wash your car and clean up the interior before a date with her. 
33. Wash and shave your privates before having sex or put on a cologne if she likes that. 
34. Offer to give her a back or neck or foot massage( or all three)
35. Make a point of cuddling or being affectionate sometimes without being sexual, is not every time humping o. 
36. Take her side when she's upset with someone. 
37. Be patient when she's sharing. Don't look at your watch. 
38. Don't flick the remote to different channels after every five minutes when she is watching tv with you. 
39. Display affections in public... We love us some pda.
40. When holding hands don't let your hand go limp.
41. Learn her favourite drinks, so you can offer her a choice of the ones you know she already likes. 
42. Create occasions when you both can dress up 
43. Get tickets to go see a movie you know she likes or a show or something, 
44. Be understanding when she's late or decides to change her outfit: 
45. Pay more attention to her than to others in public. 
46. For those with kids... Make her more important than the children. Let the children see her getting your attention first and foremost.
47. Buy her litle presents-like a small box of chocolate or perfume.
48. Buy her an outfit( pls know her size don't buy a wrong fit)
49. Take pictures of her on special occasions 
50. Take short romantic getaways.
51. Let her see that you carry a picture of her in your wallet and update it from time to time. 
52. When staying in a hotel, have them prepare the room with something special, like a bottle of champagne or juice or flowers, candles etc.
53. Write a note or make a sign on special occasions such as anniversaries and birthdays.
54. Shower together sometimes, offer to shave her and wash her up. 
55. Treat her in ways you did at the beginning of the relationship. 

There are still 50 more points but this would do for now. Inspiration gotten from  Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Great read between, With points from there and my own points I hope you find this helpful, ladies you can add your points and agree if I did right by you and Men you can learn from this 😁👍. 


  1. Interesting... Lol. U didn't include this vital one tho... He shud give her head at all times: lol

  2. He should be sensitive to her feelings and try not to be a jerk too. Nice points between, interesting read...

  3. Hmmmm..... Love professor...... Nice facts.will borrow some love tips from here.
