Wednesday 28 March 2012

Riding for Trayvon: New York City Senators go to work in hoodies

I'm sure most of you know what this is all about. A few Black American senators went to work this week in hoodies in solidarity with Trayvon Martin, the teenager who was shot and killed by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on February 26th for being black and wearing a hoodie inside his gated community allegedly assaulting him. It's not just the senators, black American celebs, footballers, activists, lawyers, pastors, thousands of regular folks have been wearing hoodies all week, riding for the slain teenager.

Trayvon entered the estate to visit someone, the watchman saw him, he was black, he was wearing a hoodie, to him that seemed suspicious, so he started to follow the boy. There was a confrontation, Trayvon gets two bullets to the chest. If this is news to you, continue to read the full story...

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